The global stocktake (GST) is a process to measure the collective progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement (Article 14). However, current legacy climate accounting systems and mechanisms do not fit the task and have serious climate accounting and integration gaps, particularly regarding the integration of sub-national and non-state actors (NSAs). As a response, we founded the Climate Action Data 2.0 (CAD2.0) community — a Camda community working group, co-convened by the Camda Secretariat, the OpenEarth Foundation, and the Data-Driven EnviroLab.
The CAD2.0 working group consists of more than 60 organizations representing the data and analytic community that focus on NSA contributions to global climate governance. The community is committed to the principles and activities detailed in a declaration launched at COP-26 in Glasgow November 2021. The CAD2.0 work is organized along three interconnected workstreams, data harmonization, digital infrastructure and policy impact.

As part of this work, CAD2.0 recently provided inputs to the Technical Dialogue in the form of analytical support and expertise based on our community's half-decade of collaboration developing accounting standards and integrating next generation open digital technology to enhance the credibility of climate actions by non-state and subnational actors. Our submission responded to two points in particular written in the revised non-paper for informal consultations. Both of these points (29 & 33) relate to the accounting of non-state actor (NSA) emissions.
We have received a confirmation that our CAD2.0 submission has been included in the review process.
Our CAD2.0 roadmap ahead focuses on the development of a Digitally-Enabled Independent Global Stocktake (DIGS) to enable an independent Global Stocktake (iGST) for NSAs, which follows a nested accounting logic that we detailed in a recent publication.
The CAD2.0 community is an open working group for those interested in contributing to or learning about nested accounting and a Digitally-Enabled Independent Global Stocktake (DIGS). It meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 11 AM. If you’re interested in joining and contributing to the CAD2.0 meetings you’re welcome to sign up here.
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